Preemie 1

Dear Preemie Mom,

I have been where you are now.  I have felt what you are feeling.  And I want to tell you one thing.

It’s not your fault.

You provided your baby a wonderful home for as long as you could.  You gave him a warm cocoon that took him from the very first spark of life to delivery, in whatever form it took.  Your baby is who she is because of the gift you gave her.

[bctt tweet=”Your #baby is who she is because of the gift you gave her.”]

Remember that always.

When you’re up nights wondering if you exercised too much, or not enough.  If you gained too much weight, or not enough.  If you somehow ingested a piece of lunch meat or soft cheese.  If dying your hair, painting your nails, eating non-organic food, or indulging in soft-serve ice cream caused your baby to come early.

It didn’t.

You did nothing wrong.

It’s not your fault.

What you did was create a life.  You provided a home for a child that, for whatever reason, started her life at a disadvantage.  You gave that child a chance.  You gave her an opportunity to be a person.  A beautiful person.  An amazing, strong, bright, caring person.  You did that.

And what’s more, you’re the only one who could have done it.  Because you are mom.  You are your preemie’s mom, and he wouldn’t be here without you.

[bctt tweet=”You are your #preemie ‘s mom, and he wouldn’t be here without you.”]

It’s not your fault that your baby was born early.  It’s because of you she was born with a fighting chance.

You are not a failure.  You are awesome.

You are a mom.

Wishing you happiness,


Thinking about banking your cord blood?  We weren’t, but when our sweet girl came 8 weeks early we made the decision to go ahead and do it.  Luckily our girl is fine, but macular degeneration runs in Mr. O’s family…  We opted to use Cord Blood Registry.  If you do, too, please use my referral link.

Dear Preemie Mom, I have been where you are now. I have felt what you are feeling. And I want to tell you one thing.