Hey there, Mama!

I’m so glad you’re here. Creating My Happiness is a place for busy moms to find tips & tricks to make life easier. Whether it’s parenting, meal planning, home organization, or self-care, our mission is to help you love your life. So many moms come here hoping to make their life easier, more enjoyable. My hope is that I can show you some of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years to improve my home life. This includes how to start a side hussle or at-home business to bring in a little extra money for your family.

As a stay at home mom, we are always looking for ways to help around the home. CMH is a 100% judgement free zone. We understand that every mom is unique, and so are their kids. That’s why we share stories from real life, stuff that worked for us, and no mom shaming.

Do you have a tip, trick, or story to share with the CMH community? We are always looking for great content!

How Not to Build a Fire Pit

Building a fire pit is a fairly simple home project.  It involves some heavy lifting, but for the most part it can be done by a novice DIYer. That is, of course, unless you're me. I have a natural talent for taking small, simple projects and turning them into epic tasks that end with a trip to the chiropractor. Last...

50 Things to Do With an Extra Hour

The end of Daylight Savings Time is coming and that means we all get that hour back that we painfully gave up last spring.  Rather than letting that hour go to waste, here are some things you can do to make the most of your extra hour this weekend. Sleep Read Have sex Clean Play Candy Crush/ Angry Birds/ game of the...
Love crockpot applesauce? Try this delicious variation with a touch of ginger!

Ginger-Cinnamon Crockpot Applesauce

Does anything say fall better than applesauce?  It's sweet and tangy, and there are a million different ways to make it!  Making applesauce in your crockpot is super easy and it makes your whole house smell delicious. I started making crockpot applesauce several years ago after we went apple picking and had an...

5 Ways to Honor Lost Loved Ones During the Holidays

The holiday season is a joyous time.  Filled with laughter, love, good food, and good friends.  But for those who've lost a loved one, the joy can be overshadowed by the absence of a husband, wife, spouse, or sibling.  Of course, our loved ones wouldn't want us to miss out on the happiness of the season. So how can...
Is your calendar overwhelming you? During times when we're overworked and overscheduled it's more important than ever to take care of ourselves.

Taking Care of Yourself When You’re Overscheduled

Most of us would describe our daily lives as busy.  We rush from home to work, to daycare, then back home.  We don't get enough sleep, and probably rely on takeout more often than we should. But sometimes our busy lives get too busy.  Whether because of bad timing, over-scheduling, or something completely beyond our...
Whenever my husband tells me I've made "The best meal ever", it always includes my 2 secret ingredients. And you won't believe what they are!

My 2 Secret Ingredients

Not every dish you prepare is going to be a home run.  But I've found that every time Mr. O pronounces something, "The best I've ever made," it usually contains very simple items... and my 2 secret ingredients. Pardon me, but I'm going to string you along for a bit.  See if you can guess my 2 secret ingredients as...

Awesome Apple Recipes for Autmn

Nothing against the pumpkin - I grew some in our garden this year - but remember when the apple was King of Autumn?  I miss those days, especially since I much prefer apple flavored treats to pumpkin. So I've gathered up a bunch of neat ideas that feature apples for you to try this autumn.  Enjoy! Honeycrisp Apple...

How to Enjoy the Holidays Without Becoming a Stuffed Turkey

How can you survive All You Can Eat Day (otherwise known as Thanksgiving), especially if you're someone who has recommitted to a healthier lifestyle? Read on for ways to thrive this Turkey Day, and every holiday. If you're someone who is struggling with your weight and tends to overeat during the holidays, then...

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You know the old expression, “When Mama’s happy, everybody’s happy?”  Well it’s totally true!  And not just because a happy wife makes for a happy life.  But because when you’re happy you’re the best version of yourself.  You’re more present for your family, more alert and focused, and better able to serve those around you.