There’s nothing worse than having a million things to do and not being able to focus on any of them. And while your instinct may be to push through and keep working, it’s usually worth taking some time to recenter and clear your mind before trying to continue.
Take a walk. The simple act of getting up and away from your work can clear your mind. Walk around and get your blood circulating.
Meditate. Clearing your mind is sort of the point of meditation, so this is a great go-to.
Watch a funny YouTube video. There is no world ill that cat videos can’t cure. The trick is not to end up binge-watching them for hours.
Call a friend. Not a work friend – then you’ll just end up bitching about work. Call someone who makes you laugh. Call someone who isn’t interested in your office politics or the endless torture of staff meetings.
Try some yoga. Like meditation, yoga is a great way to move your focus from your problems to your breathing. And, like walking, it will get your blood flowing and wake up your brain.
Take a shower. If you’re working from home and need a break hop in the shower. You’ll feel refreshed, and awake, and ready to go.
Dance it out. Put on some tunes and dance it out, a la Meredith and Christina on “Grey’s Anatomy”.
Sing out loud. Break out your boombox (or iTunes, whatever) and sing along with your favorite jams. You’ll be amped up and ready to go after you “Shake It Off” and “You Give Love a Bad Name”.
Put your feet up. Just relax. Close your eyes and be peaceful.
Have a snack. A healthy snack will give you an energy boost and rev up your brain to power through the rest of your to-do list.
What are your tips and tricks for clearing your busy mind? Share in the comments.