You asked for it, you’ve got it!  This year’s summer series will be: Creating My Fitness!

Now, if you’ve read this blog at all or know me in real life, you know I am not an expert.  I am an overweight women in my 30s who’s on a journey to lead a healthier, more fit lifestyle.  This series will focus on small, realistic changes that you can make to help you on your own journey.

You asked for it, you got it! This year's summer series will be: Creating My Fitness! Practical advice for practical women from someone who totally gets it.

I’m really excited about this series.  It’s going to help keep me on track during a time when I usually have trouble.  I recently fell off the healthy eating wagon and realized it’s because I lacked a schedule over school break, so this year I’m making a summer schedule for the whole family.  I think the structure is going to help me a lot.

Before this series begins, take some time to think about what could get in your way.  Not in a doom and gloom, “I’ll never be able to lose weight,” way, but in a realistic, objective way.  Do you keep too many temptations in the house?  Is your family less than supportive?  Do you also need a summer schedule?

Once you’ve identified potential roadblocks, you can make a plan to overcome them.  Throw away or don’t buy more of foods that tempt you to stray.  Talk to your family or find another source of support, like our Creating My Fitness Facebook Group!  Build a schedule for yourself to help keep your eating in check.

You get the idea.

Sign up for the Creating My Fitness Summer Series Now!

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You asked for it, you got it! This year's summer series will be: Creating My Fitness! Practical advice for practical women from someone who totally gets it.