Does this sound like a typical day in your home?

You are overwhelmed by all the “stuff” in your home but have zero time or energy to take care of it.

You look around and think to yourself, “I wish there was an easier way to manage this chaotic mess (sigh)”.

You are not looking for a perfect home, but one that is not so frenzied and hectic sure would be nice.

What if, instead of walking in your home after a tough day at work, already dreading the evening ahead of you, you strolled in with a carefree and contented attitude, knowing . . .

Your home is not a place of overwhelm, but a place for your family to enjoy doing life together.

Though life can be chaotic, your home does not have to be.

You are entering a calm, serene place, where clutter is no longer in control.

Then I have the perfect solution for you!



The Busy Mom’s Quick Start Guide to Decluttering!

This FREE class includes 3 Modules:

  • Why Declutter?
  • 3 Lies We Tell Ourselves About Clutter
  • 5 Things You Can Do Today to Live with Less Stuff

Plus a Bonus!

“How to Make Money Getting Rid of Your Clutter” instructional video and printable

Let me introduce myself . . .

My name is Stacey, an average working Mom. Teacher by day. Mom by night. Exhausted all the time. My goal in life is simple: To love the life I have. And that my friends, is my goal for you as well.

I’m a family lifestyle blogger who focuses on making life easier for busy moms. Here at Creating My Happiness, we strive to connect with parents who would rather be happy than perfect. We take joy in providing guidance and inspiration for the already overworked, maxed out mom, helping her make life as easy as possible.



Who is this course for?

A Mom who is stressed out, feeling overwhelmed most of the time, with no time to declutter.

A Mom who wants life to be happy, but does not expect it to be perfect

A Mom who is all about enjoying life, rather than spending the majority of her time working at it


Does this cost anything? Nothing! It’s completely free.

How will I take the class? This class is hosted on the online course platform, Thinkific, making it very easy and simple to use.

How long will I have access to this class? Lifetime access. Yup, that means forever.

What will I accomplish by the end of this class? You will be well on your way to creating your very own strategy for decluttering your home.