Dear 8 O’Clock Mom,

It’s 8 pm, your kid is finally in bed (if you’re lucky), and you’re DAWG tired.  You’ve been on your feet all day, or trapped beneath a nursing, collicky baby, or caravaning kids around to activities like a boss.

It’s time to take a break.

It's 8 o'clock and your kids are finally in bed.  You have a list of things you need to get done before you're allowed to rest.  Rest anyway.

I know.  You’ve got things to do.  Like, a lot of things to do.  I know.  Your mind is racing with all the things you need to get done before you’re allowed to rest.  There are snacks to pack for tomorrow.  There are school bags to organize, notes from teachers and coaches to sign, and school work to gaze lovingly at before you toss it in the bin.

You need to clean the bathroom and put the dishes in the dishwasher (after emptying the clean ones out, of course).  You need to iron your husband’s shirt, or fix that tear in your kid’s skirt.  You have a laundry list of laundry to do… I get it.

Take a break anyway.

You don’t need to plant yourself on the couch with a pint of ice cream and binge-watch Stranger Things (though I wouldn’t judge you if you did).  Just take a break.  Rest your feet.  Talk to your husband.  Call a friend – and if she’s a mom, tell her to take a break, too.

The world will not fall apart if the kids take pre-packaged Veggie Straws to school for snack, or even if they – gasp – buy school lunch.  Laundry will be there tomorrow, and let’s face it, even if you clean the bathroom it’s going to be messy in a few hours.

Take a break.

Maybe not every night.  Maybe just tonight.  Take some time for you.  Nurture you.  You can not pour from an empty cup.

Fill your cup.

Fill it with tea.  Or wine.  Or massage oil.

Take a break.

Put your feet up.

Watch trashy tv.

You can only be the best mom you can be if you’re the best you you can be.


A fellow 8 o’clock mom

It's 8 o'clock and your kids are finally in bed.  You have a list of things you need to get done before you're allowed to rest.  Rest anyway.