As back to school season quickly approaches, so does the promise of piles upon piles of homework. Homework is one of those things that is inevitable, like death and taxes, so it’s better to embrace the fact that it’s coming instead of trying to avoid it. With a few helpful homework hacks, you can breeze the school year without getting held up by homework!
You can use homework hacks during busy or slow times of the year to help you get more done and get it done faster. Here are 15 of my favorite homework hacks to help you all school year.
Using post it notes to keep your child organized and on topic. These work great for writing encouraging notes or incentives for your child to get certain tasks done on time. We use these, put them inside of reading homework as it will keep your child going until the reading portion of their homework is complete. Source Idea
Create a weekly magnet calendar. These work great because schedules are constantly changing and your child will have a few tasks that they will need to know about. Such as, school field trips, holidays, project due dates, etc. Create your own Magnet Calendar here.
Create an inbox to file paperwork. If you have any school aged children you will know how much paperwork they bring home every day, every week. As a parent you are responsible for keeping track of these forms and either holding onto them or returning them back to school. If your child has additional services through the school such as an IEP or ESE you need to be prepared to keep track of EVERYTHING that they send home. Its extremely important that you keep all of these forms. Inbox File System here.
Children’s Homework and Art Station